Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reminder that Girls Volleyball starts on Monday Next week.
If you have not had a physical this year you need one for Volleyball.

Miss.Coy's Class Bake sale raisng money for the playground.

We Made $135.45!!!! YAY!!!
W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

§  Last Ski Trip – The final school sponsored Schweitzer ski trip will be Friday, February 28.  Permission Slips will are available at the office. The cost for the trip will be $8.00 for the lift and $15.00 for rental.  Permission slips and payment must be received in the office by Thursday morning February 27.
§  Cold Weather Forcast – The forecast is for cold temperatures at the end of this week.  Please send your students to school with snow boots, gloves and hats.
§  Bake Sale – Ms. Coy’s 2nd/3rd class will sponsor a bake sale this Wednesday during afternoon recess to raise funds for the playground upgrade.
§  Chocolate – The 6th grade is selling chocolate to earn money for their trip to Silverwood.  50% of each sale goes to the support the trip.
§  Music Classes to build instruments – Ms. Schweitzer is gathering materials to build homemade instruments.  Please send coffee cans, PVC pipe, yoghurt containers, paper towel tubes, string, fish line, milk jugs, use your imagination…. Thanks.
§  Climbing Wall – The TAC rock climbing wall will be open Mondays 6:30-8:30 starting March 3rd.
§  Elementary Girls Volley Ball – 5th and 6th grade girls Volleyball begins Monday March 3, 2014, 3:45 to 5:00 in the Elementary School Gym.  Please bring your sports physical to the first practice.  Girls will go the After School Room (bring homework) between 3:30 and 3:45.
§  Cascade Quartet – The Troy and Libby High School choirs will be performing with the Great Falls Symphony Cascade Quartet on Thursday, February 27 at 7:00 PM at the Libby Memorial Center.  Tickets are available at local businesses.

Word of the Week:  Respect - 
Showing regard or appreciation for the worth of someone or something

“Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you've got to give it.”  
R.G. Reisch

§  Playground Plans - We are in the process of developing plans to improve and     upgrade the W.F. Morrison Elementary playground.  As our plans become more formalized, we will be inviting parents, students and community members to meetings to help with planning and organization of fund raising efforts.  We anticipate that this will be a three year process. As a first phase of the project, we plan to repair existing equipment. Look for meeting dates in future newsletters.
§  Parent Survey – Dear Parents,
§  In an effort to improve system practices, W.F. Morrison Elementary School is conducting a Parent Survey. Many of you have received the survey link via email. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey. In order to complete the survey, please go to:
§  Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.
§  Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. The survey is open until March 14, 2014.   If you do not have access to a computer, feel free to come into the school and use the computer lab.   Sincerely, Diane Rewerts.
§  Parent Tip:  Attendance is important.  Students can fall behind if they miss just a day or two every few weeks.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Troy Activity Center rock climbing wall is open Mondays 6:30-8:30 starting March 3rd.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

·        Skiing – The After School Program will be taking the 4th-6th grade students skiing at Schweitzer on February 21st.   Look for information and permission slips from ASP.
·        Cascade Quartet – The Troy and Libby High School choirs will be performing with the Great Falls Symphony Cascade Quartet on Thursday, February 27 at 7:00 PM at the Libby Memorial Center.  Tickets are available at local businesses.
·        Skiing Rescheduled – The final school sponsored Schweitzer ski trip will be Friday, February 28.  Permission Slips will be available at the office on Thursday, February 20.  The cost for the trip will be $8.00 for the lift and $15.00 for rental. If you have permission slip and money deposited for the Feb. 7 trip that was cancelled we will use it or refund it as necessary for this trip on the 28th.
·        Chocolate – The 6th grade is selling chocolate to earn money for their trip to Silverwood.  50% of each sale goes to the support the trip.  To purchase see a 6th grader.
·        Music Classes to build instruments – Ms. Schweitzer is gathering materials to build homemade instruments.  Please send  coffee cans, PVC pipe, yoghurt containers, paper towel tubes, string, fish line, milk jugs, use your imagination…. Thanks.
·        Copper Mountain Band – Will be performing for Morrison Elementary on Friday, February 21st.  The MBI Student Leadership Team will be presenting and introducing. Families are welcome to attend.  10:15 to 11:15

Word of the Week:  Respect
Showing regard or appreciation for the worth of someone or something

W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

·        Four Day Weekend – No School; February 14-17
·        Pennies for Patients – This is our FINAL WEEK of collection to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  The boxes will be picked up and counted on Thursday, February 13th.  The class to collect the most money will win a class party of their choice.
·        4th Grade Bake Sale - Wednesday, last recess for all grades.  All money raised will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
·        Skiing – The After School Program will be taking the 4th-6th grade students skiing at Schweitzer on February 21st.   Look for information and permission slips from ASP.
·        Skiing Rescheduled – We hope to reschedule the final school sponsored Schweitzer ski trip for February 28.  Some details still need to be worked out so stay tuned…
If you have permission slip and money deposited for the Feb. 7 trip that was cancelled we will use it or refund it as necessary for this trip on the 28th.
·        Turner Mountain Community Appreciation Day - Monday, February 17.
Pick up free ski vouchers at area businesses.
·        Music Classes to build instruments – Ms. Schweitzer is gathering materials to build homemade instruments.  Please send  coffee cans, PVC pipe, yoghurt containers, paper towel tubes, string, fish line, milk jugs, use your imagination…. Thanks.
·        Copper Mountain Band – Will be performing for Morrison Elementary on Friday, February 21st.  The MBI Student Leadership Team will be presenting and introducing. Families are welcome to attend.  10:15 to 11:15

Word of the Week:  Be Healthy
See the back of this newsletter and watch your child’s backpack for more information

W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

·     Skiing on Friday – skiing has been canceled due to extreme weather conditions. Trip will be rescheduled at a later time.
·        AWARDS ASSEMBLY – The second quarter Awards Assembly will be Friday, February 7th at 1:00 pm.  Families are welcome to attend!
·        4th Grade Bake Sale - Wednesday, last recess (4-6 grades only) and Thursday, last recess (K-3 grades only).  All money raised will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
·        Pennies for Patients – Our annual collection of change began this week!  We will continue to collect money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society until Thursday, February 13th.  The class to collect the most money will win a class party of their choice.
·        4H – Thursday February 6, 5:30 PM at the Methodist Church.
·        Four Day Weekend – No School; February 14-17
·        Copper Mountain Band – Will be performing for Morrison Elementary on Friday, February 21st from 10:15-11:15.  The MBI Student Leadership Team will be presenting and introducing. Families are welcome to attend.
·         Reading is the Ticket – Silverwood reading incentive will begin soon.  Watch for forms coming home soon.
·         Basket ball- 5th and 6th Grade Basket Ball will have a tournament on the 8th @10 A.M. in the Activity Center.
·         NEXT WEEK:  Word of the Week:  BE HEALTHY!  We will be focusing on what makes us healthy; inside and out.  Annette Galioto, a nutritionist from MSU Extension/Nutrition Program will be presenting "healthy snack options" to students in two different assemblies on Monday, February 10th.  K-2 students will meet in the gym 10:00-10:30 and 3, 4, & 6 grade students will meet in the gym 10:45-11:15.  Ms. Galioto meets with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Winslow's classes on a weekly basis.  Parents are invited to attend the assemblies/classes with their children.

Word of the Week:  Perseverance
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”― Confucius

W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday February 3, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

·        After School Program – Students must sign up to attend the ASP first thing in the morning.  Please discuss your student’s plans for the day before school.
·        Friday Schedule Change - Students will be released at 2:00 pm on Fridays for the rest of the school year.
·        Basketball – 5th and 6th grade boys and girls basketball started this week and will continue through March 1st.  Practice daily; 3:45-5:00. 
·        AWARDS ASSEMBLY – The second quarter Awards Assembly will be Friday, February 7th at 1:00 pm.  Families are welcome to attend!
·        Pennies for Patients – Our annual collection of change began this week!  We will continue to collect money to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society until Thursday, February 13th.  The class to collect the most money will win a class party of their choice.
·        Four Day Weekend – No School; February 14-17
·        Copper Mountain Band – Will be performing for Morrison Elementary on Friday, February 21st.  The MBI Student Leadership Team will be presenting and introducing. Families are welcome to attend.
·        “Own the Night” Ski Vouchers: On sale in the office.  Purchase $8 vouchers for Friday and Saturday night skiing (3-7pm PST) at Schweitzer Mountain; January 3- March 1.  Two Sundays are also available this year; Jan. 19 & Feb. 16.                     

Word of the Week:  Perseverance

W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321