Wednesday, April 30, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

After School Activities: Happy spring! It’s exciting to see all of the fun after school activities going on in our community that benefit our kiddos. We would just like to remind you that if your kiddo is doing something out of the ordinary after school, please send a note with your child or call the school letting us know of the change. If we don’t have a note we will assume that your kiddo will be going home in the usual way. Thank you for all of your cooperation. 
§  Root beer Float Sale on Thursday, May 1st during lunch recess.  Floats are $2.00 each.
§  4-H Meeting this Thursday, May 1st at 5:30pm at the Methodist Church.
§  No Cloverbuds on Thursday, May 1st.
§  Elementary Spring Concert – Grades K – 4th will be having a concert Tuesday, May 6th at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  The theme for the performance is “American Folk Songs.” 
§  5th & 6th Grade Band Concert will be held Thursday, May 15th at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium.
§  Spring Pictures are due! Please return payment envelope or pictures to your child’s teacher.
§  For student safety all visitors and parents must check in at the office and wear a visitor badge while on school grounds during the school day.
§  Egg Drop is coming up! It is scheduled for Thursday, May 29th.  Kindergarten – 2nd will be able to make their egg-traption at home and bring it in.  3rd – 6th will be making theirs in the classroom.
§  World’s Finest Chocolate available in the office. The 6th grade is selling chocolates to raise money for their trip to Silverwood. Several varieties to choose from for $6.00 each.
§  SBAC  (Smarter Balance Testing Consortium) Testing for 3rd – 6th grade students has begun and will continue through Wednesday, May 7th.  It is very important for students to be in attendance during the testing and well rested.  A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will help them concentrate.
§  Troy Baptist Church is offering free lunch through the Summer Food Program.  Lunch will be offered from 12:00 – 1:00pm, starting on June 9th.  Come enjoy the food and activities.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

§  Elementary Spring Concert – Grades K – 4th will be having a concert Tuesday, May 6th at 6:00pm in the High School Auditorium.  The theme for the performance is “American Folk Songs.” 
§  5th & 6th Grade Band Concert will be held Thursday, May 15th at 7:00pm in the High School Auditorium.
§  Spring Pictures are here! Please return payment envelope or pictures to your child’s teacher.
§  World’s Finest Chocolate available in the office. The 6th grade is selling chocolates to raise money for their trip to Silverwood. Several varieties to choose from for $6.00 each.
§  SBAC  (Smarter Balance Testing Consortium) Testing for 3rd – 6th grade students has begun and will continue through Wednesday, May 7th.  It is very important for students to be in attendance during the testing and well rested.  A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will help them concentrate.
§  Playground Renovation and Fundraising Meeting on Tuesday, April 22nd at 5:00 pm at Morrison Elementary. We need your help and support! We are in the beginning stages of renovating W.F. Morrison’s playground. This will be an informational meeting to share the plans that have been drafted and to plan for fundraising. Parents, grandparents, and community members are needed and welcome. Ms. Coy’s class has already raised $500!!
§  Kindergarten Registration and Preschool Screening will be held on Thursday, April 24th from 9:00 – 11:00am at the Methodist Church.  Children must turn five on or before September 10, 2014 to be eligible for kindergarten.  Birth certificates and immunization records are needed. Please get the word out to anyone you know who has a child of this age. It will help us greatly with planning so that we can be well prepared for our newest students in the fall. Please call the office at 295-4321 for more information.
§  Running Club – Morrison Elementary has started a Spring Running Club.  We would like to invite parents to help with our running club before school and during recess.  If you are available please contact Ms. Higgins at 295-4321 or The students are highly motivated for this and are having a great time.

§  Next year’s staffing assignments are as follows:
Kindergarten – Ms. Huntsberger
1st Grade – Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Cummings
2nd Grade – Ms. Coy and Ms. Grose
3rd Grade – Mr. Rogers
4th Grade – Mrs. Downey and Mrs. Mackay
5th Grade – Mrs. Roberts
6th Grade – Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Winslow

We will be carefully planning classes to be sure they are balanced academically, behaviorally, and socially.  If you have a strong educational reason for requesting a teacher, it will be considered.  The request must be in written and submitted to Mrs. Rewerts by May 15th.

Word of the Week: Responsibility – doing what needs to be done
W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Help us celebrate EARTH DAY!

Morrison Elementary students will be rolling up their sleeves, putting on gloves and carrying bags to pick up trash for Earth Day.  Starting at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, April 22nd, students and staff will be heading out into the community to do their part.  We are asking for volunteers to help with this venture.  Each class has a designated area to focus on and students are excited to participate!  
We will be meeting back at the school by 3 pm for Earth Day snacks and playtime on the playground.

For more information or to sign up to volunteer, 
please call 295-4321
W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

§  Troy Youth Baseball/Softball forms are due.
§  No School this Friday, April 18 or Monday, April 21.  Enjoy the four day weekend!
§  Bake Sale this Thursday, April 17th during lunch recess.  Let’s help the 8th grade raise money for a trip to Silverwood!
§  Spring Pictures are here! Please return payment envelope or pictures to your child’s teacher by Thursday, April 17th.
§  World’s Finest Chocolate available in the office. The 6th grade is selling chocolates to raise money for their trip to Silverwood. Several varieties to choose from for $6.00 each.
§  SBAC  (Smarter Balance Testing Consortium) Testing for 3rd – 6th grade students starts Wednesday, April 16th and will continue through Wednesday, May 7th.  It is very important for students to be will rested and in attendance during the testing.  A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will help them concentrate.
§  Kindergarten Registration and Preschool Screening will be held on Thursday, April 24th from 9 – 11 am at the Methodist Church.  Children must turn five on or before September 10, 2014 to be eligible for kindergarten.  Birth certificates and immunization records are needed. Please get the word out to anyone you know who has a child of this age. It will help us greatly with planning so that we can be well prepared for our newest students in the fall. Please call the office at 295-4321 for more information.
§  Playground Renovation and Fundraising Meeting on Tuesday, April 22nd at 5:00 pm at Morrison Elementary. We need your help and support! We are in the beginning stages of renovating W.F. Morrison’s playground. This will be an informational meeting to share the plans that have been drafted and to plan for fundraising. Parents, grandparents, and community members are needed and welcome. Ms. Coy’s class has already raised $500!!
§  Running Club – Morrison Elementary is starting a Spring Running Club.  We would like to invite parents to help with our running club before school and during recess.  If you are available please contact Ms. Higgins at 295-4321 or The students are highly motivated for this and are having a great time.
§  Annual Scholarship Breakfast on Tuesday, April 22 from 6:30 – 8:30am at the Troy Methodist Church. ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! Students $4.00  Adults $6.00
Menu includes breakfast burritos, pancakes, hash browns, milk, juice, and coffee.

§  Earth Day Clean-Up – We will be celebrating Earth Day on April 22nd (the day after Easter break). Classes will be heading out into the community in the afternoon to pick up trash.  The school will provide a glove and bag for each student.  We are looking for parent/adult volunteers to help. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the office or your child’s teacher.  We hope to have at least 3 parents per class. Everyone will come back to the school for special Earth Day treats on the playground by 3pm.
§  Troy Community Clean-Up Day – On April 24th, the Troy High School student body will be cleaning up the town of Troy. There will be trucks and people available to assist Troy residents, who need help getting rid of old junk on that day. If you would like to sign up to receive some assistance, please call the City of Troy at 295-4151 by April 18th.

§  Next year’s staffing assignments are as follows:
Kindergarten – Ms. Huntsberger
1st Grade – Mrs. Garrett and Mrs. Cummings
2nd Grade – Ms. Coy and Ms. Grose
3rd Grade – Mr. Rogers
4th Grade – Mrs. Downey and Mrs. Mackay
5th Grade – Mrs. Roberts
6th Grade – Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Winslow

We will be carefully planning classes to be sure they are balanced academically, behaviorally, and socially.  If you have a strong educational reason for requesting a teacher, it will be considered.  The request must be in written and submitted to Mrs. Rewerts by May 15th.

Word of the Week: Responsibility – doing what needs to be done

W.F. Morrison Elementary – 501 E. Kalispell – PO Box 867, Troy, MT 59935 – (406)295-4321

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Justin Boudreau
Gear Up for Excellence
Libby Christian Church
Wednesday April 16
7- 8:30 pm
Students, Families and Community 

This former high school teacher, coach of the year, world traveler and author, exudes a realness that students don’t question. On stage, his heart will inspire young people to worry less about being cool and focus more on their future. Justin’s words will resonate with the entire audience and motivate students to start accepting themselves and understanding others.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New After School Program Calendar

After School Program – April 2014

 Math Tutoring/Homework Help * Monday-Thursday 3:30-4:15

Fit Kids Club starts this month!  Running, biking and walking!
We would love to have volunteers run/walk/bike with our kids – feel free to grab your shoes and join in!
We’ve moved our garden! 
Check out the progress out by the concession stand!
Love to garden? 
Join us Mondays and Thursdays as we get ready for our new growing season!
Questions?  Ideas?  Looking for ways to volunteer? 
295-4321 ext. 337

Fit Kids Running
Walk to Roosevelt Park
Girl Scouts
Fit Kids Biking
Activity Center
Sewing Club
Fit Kids Walk/Run
Sewing Club
Lego Robotics II
Lego Robotics I

Fit Kids Running
Girl Scouts
Fit Kids Biking
Activity Center
Sewing Club
Fit Kids Walk/Run
Sewing Club
Lego Robotics II
Fun with Food
Disc Golf
Lego Robotics I
No School
Fit Kids Biking
Activity Center
Sewing Club
Fit Kids Walk/Run
Sewing Club
Lego Robotics II
Fun with Food
Disc Golf
Lego Robotics I

Fit Kids Running
Girl Scouts
Fit Kids Biking
Activity Center
Sewing Club
Fit Kids Walk/Run
Sewing Club
Lego Robotics II