Tuesday, January 21, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

·         Friday the 24th is a school day
    The magnetic calendar that was sent home at the beginning of the year is incorrect.  There will be school on Friday, January 24. 

·         After School Program
    Students must sign up to attend the After School Program first thing in the morning.  Please discuss your student’s plans for the day before school. 

·         Ski Trip – Friday Jan. 24
 4th, 5th and 6th grade
Permission slips and payment for the Friday January 24th trip must be turned in to the office by Wednesday, January 22.  Students will leave the school at 1:30 pm and return at approximately 10:00 PM. The next ski trip will be February 7th and the ASP will be taking 4th thru 6th grade on February 21st. The cost is $23.  $8 for the lift ticket and $15 for rental with the lift ticket. 

·         Awards Assembly
The second quarter awards assembly will be Friday, February 7 at 1:00 PM

·         Word of the Week:  GRATITUDE
A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.
What are you thankful for?

·         Friday Schedule Change
     Students will be released at 2:00 PM on Fridays for the rest of the school year. 

·         Missoula Children’s Theatre
Auditions for the Missoula Children's Theatre production of The Secret Garden will be held Monday, January 27th at 3:30 pm at the auditorium.  The performances will be Saturday, February 1st.  Audition information is on the back of this newsletter.

·         Pennies for Patients
Our annual collection of change to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society will begin Monday, January 27. Boxes will be gathered and counted on February 13. A class party will be awarded to the class that collects the largest donation for this cause. 

·         Basketball
·         5th and 6th grade boys and girls basketball with Mr. Hawk and Ms. Coy will starts Monday Jan. 27 and runs through March 1.  Practice time will be 3:45 to 5:00 PM in the Morrison Gym.  A sports physical is required to be able to practice.  Practice and game schedules will be handed out at the first practice.
Four Day Weekend
No school February 14 thru 17. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

W.F. Morrison Newsletter
Home of the Mighty Mustangs!
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Visit us on our School Website:  wfmorrisonmustangs.blogspot.com

·        Welcome Back!  Hope everyone enjoyed the Winter Break!!
·        Please Note: Parents are welcome to walk students to their classrooms in the morning; 8:05-8:10.  Parents are asked to leave students at the office if they arrive at 8:10 or later, this lessens disruptions as class gets started for the day.  Thanks for your help and consideration with this.
·        4H Meeting:  Thursday, January 9 @ 5:30 pm in the Methodist Church.
·        NO SCHOOL:  Friday, January 17TH (The January PIR day is incorrect on the magnetic calendar that was sent home at the beginning of the year)
·        Ski Trips:  Ski season is upon us and the annual ski trips have been scheduled.  January 24th and February 7th 4-6 grade students will have a chance to go to Schweitzer Mountain.  The ASP will be taking students on February 21st.  The cost is $23.  $8 for the lift ticket and $15 for rental with the lift ticket.  Please stay tuned for more details….
·        “Own the Night” Ski Vouchers: On sale (for everyone) in the office.  Purchase $8 vouchers for Friday and Saturday night skiing (3-7pm PST) at Schweitzer Mountain; January 3- March 1.  Two Sundays are also available this year; January 19 and February 16.