Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Morrison News, 10.30.12

Halloween Carnival !!!
@ High School Gym, October 31st,
From 5:00 to 8:00 pm
Ticket prices are
4/$1.00 or 25/$5.00

Halloween is handled differently in each classroom, please watch for a note from your child’s teacher for information about parties, treats and costumes!

Mark Your Calendars:
End of 1st Quarter, November 2nd
Parent-Teacher Conferences, November 7th & 8th
Book Fair, November 6th, 7th & 8th
Awards Assembly, November 16th @ 1:00 pm
Fall Retakes, November 28th

Give A Helping Hand Christmas Program: Families needing assistance for their children's Christmas gifts may call Fran Stanton, at 295 4542. (Please call between 10 am and 8 pm.) Deadline for signing up is 5:00 pm on October 30th.

Please join our Harvest Party during the afterschool program on the October 30th at the school garden from 4:30 - 6:00.

Remember to Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend!

4H Meeting @ Troy United Methodist Church, Thursday, November 1st, at 5:30 pm

Kootenai Rapids Select League soccer registration is now open. All Libby/Troy soccer players age 10 to 18 interested in competitive soccer are encouraged to register; no other formal registrations will be held. Deadline for registering is December 1, 2012.

Registration forms are available in Libby at the Lincoln County Library, Libby High School and Rosauers. In Troy, the forms are at Kootenai Drug & Hardware and Troy High School and the back of this newsletter.

Please call Mark at 293-3626 or Timory at 295-5582 for more info.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Morrison News, 10.23.12

Red Ribbon Drug Awareness is this week!
Monday = Wear Red Ribbon
Tuesday = Stomp Out Drugs, Wear Boots
Wednesday = Too Cool for Drugs, Wear Shades (Sunglasses)
Thursday = Turn Your Back on Drugs, Wear Clothes Backwards
Friday = The Big Red, Wear Red!

Mark Your Calendars:
End of 1st Quarter, November 2nd
Parent-Teacher Conferences, November 7th & 8th
Book Fair, November 6th, 7th & 8th
Awards Assembly, November 16th @ 1:00 pm
 Fall Pictures Arrive, approx. November 2nd
Fall Retakes, November 28th

 Please join our Harvest Party during the Afterschool Program on the October 30th at the school garden from 4:30 - 6:00.

Halloween Carnival & Haunted House
@ High School Gym, October 31st
PTA: Next Halloween planning meeting will be October 24th
@ 3:45 pm in Miss Grose’s classroom.

(Halloween is handled differently in each classroom, please watch for a note from your child’s teacher for information about parties, treats and costumes!)

Give A Helping Hand Christmas Program: Families needing assistance for their children's Christmas gifts may call Fran Stanton, at 295- 4542. (Please call between 10 am and 8 pm.) Deadline for signing up is 5:00 pm on October 30th.
Don’t let winter heating bills blow your budget!
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program may be able to help.
Please call 800-344-5979 or 406-758-5433
Lincoln County WIC:  Annual gross income for a family of four is $42,643 to qualify for WIC. You may qualify for WIC if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have children under the age of 5.  Call 293-5711 to ask about WIC.

Love and Logic Parenting Classes:
Monday mornings, October 1st– 29th, 10:30 am-12:00 pm
at Kootenai Valley Head Start.

Counselor’s Corner:
The focus this week is making healthy choices when we are feeling sad. Students can enter a poster or essay about healthy choices for a chance to win lunch with Mr. Moore at a restaurant in town!  Entries due Thursday to your teacher.
Ryan Lieser, School Counselor,