Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Morrison News

Mr. Hawk is looking for donations of baseball gloves and baseballs for PE.
Any size for Kindergarten through 6th grade would be great!
Smokey Bear will be visiting Morrison Elementary on May 8th and 9th
The Spring Talent Show is scheduled for Thursday, May 24th. Please sign up in the office by May Audition. Auditions will be held May 9th and 11th.
The following categories are available to choose from this year – please let us know if you have a talent you’d like to share that’s not listed below…
Singing, musical instrument, stand-up comedy, magic, painting, drawing, sculpture and dance.
Troy’s Old-fashioned 4th of July T-shirt Art Contest deadline is May11th.
Check out the blog for contest rules.
Counselor's Corner
This week K-2 reads Howard Wigglebottom learns to listen. You can check this out at Grades 3-6 are asking their boss for the day off and practicing career skills. Remind students to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible; eat their vegetables, brush and floss their teeth, and have a Mighty Mustang Day.
Vote for the Troy Community to win a free fruit orchard.
Plant your vote now and get a $1-off coupon for DREYER'S Fruit Bars.
Visit to learn more.
Upcoming Events:
4t-6 Grade Track Meet - May 10th
Field Events start @ 12:30 pm
Running Events start @ 12:40 pm
Early Out - May16th
Fall Soccer Sign Ups - May 31st
Egg Drop May - 31st
Last Day of School -June1st

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vote for an Orchard in Troy

Please help Troy receive a community orchard from Dreyer's and the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. Cast your vote for Troy on
How to vote:
1. Go to
2. click on Vote Now
3. click on Sign Up Now (under Log In button)
4. find Troy on the upper corner of Montana on the map and vote for it!
5. Pass this message along to your friends, especially those with a connection to Troy and we can make this orchard happen.

This could mean years of better access to locally produced nutrition for the community of Troy!

Voting started today and you can vote everyday!

If Troy wins an orchard, it would be planted on the elementary school grounds and tended to by the kids and community volunteers. The produce would be used to benefit the community - through the school, senior citizens center, food pantry, etc.

If you happen to be a teacher and have your students vote, those votes will add up quickly!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Spring Pictures and/or money are DUE back to your child's teacher by Wednesday, April 18th

Thursday, April 12, 2012

For 3rd thru 5th Grade Students:

As part of Montana Behavior Initiative, we have been invited to participate in a survey that measures student perceptions. It takes an average of 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The 3rd-5th grade students will be taking this survey sometime between April 16th and April 30th at their discretion.
Some sample questions are:

The principal knows my name.
I give my best effort at school.
Learning can be fun.
Students help make classroom rules.

The exact link students will need to go to is:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Morrison News

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to turn in Baseball/Softball Registrations!

The Annual Science Fair will be held in the gym Thursday, April 12th. It will open for public viewing 1-7 pm

6th grade chocolates will be for sale during the Science Fair;

Assorted boxes, $6 each

3rd Quarter Awards Assembly will be held

Friday, April 13th @ 1:15 in the gym

EARLY OUT ~ Wednesday, April 18th

Pre-school Screening and Kindergarten Registration Thursday, April 19th 8:00-12:00 @ the Methodist Church

Contact the school office to make an appointment

4th-6th Track Meet is scheduled for May 10th, weather permitting

Note to Parents: The New Horizons After School Program can be reached after school hours @ 295-4321 extension 338

Start getting ready for the Annual Talent Show in May. Date TBD

Having trouble logging into the Campus Portal?

Call the office today for your personal GUID number and instructions on how to log in to the Portal. Check grades, lunch balances and update contact information